
What does $2 billion of economic impact look like? Learn about the recent, current and planned projects advanced through Rio Nuevo.

Mission Garden

Mission Garden, home to Tucson’s birthplace, is a living agricultural institution charged with preserving the …

MSA Annex

The MSA Annex, part of the greater Mercado San Agustin, is a shopping destination made from modified shipping containers. The Annex adds to the bustling hub of culture and community on the west side of I-10 and downtown.

Ochoa Streetscape

Improvements to Ochoa Street between Church and Stone Avenues include sidewalk repair and landscaping that …

Scott Avenue Streetscape

Completed October 2017, Scott Avenue between Congress and Pennington dramatically improved to include increased safety of the area for pedestrians, bikes, and vehicles.

Sunshine Mile

Rio Nuevo is working with stakeholders on improving and creating the Sunshine Mile as a destination for the entire community.

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